
It's been a while.

I haven't updated my little blog space since I found out I was pregnant. Wow. I had my baby back in March, he's an absolute doll who's full of big...

It's been a while.

I haven't updated my little blog space since I found out I was pregnant. Wow. I had my baby back in March, he's an absolute doll who's full of big...


Hello to my very few readers. I have been actively taking a break from social media to regroup my brain. That being said, it has affected my income so I'm...

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Hello to my very few readers. I have been actively taking a break from social media to regroup my brain. That being said, it has affected my income so I'm...

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Saying Hello to the Second Half of 2022

I haven't been keeping up on updates or my thoughts and meanderings. A lot has happened in my life recently, including homing my ill husband and taking on bookkeeping clients...

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Saying Hello to the Second Half of 2022

I haven't been keeping up on updates or my thoughts and meanderings. A lot has happened in my life recently, including homing my ill husband and taking on bookkeeping clients...

1 comment

November 2021

I'll start off by saying that my friend who moved in with me has moved back to BC. I've been back and forth so many times over the past few...

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November 2021

I'll start off by saying that my friend who moved in with me has moved back to BC. I've been back and forth so many times over the past few...

1 comment

2021 In A Nutshell

What an absolutely bonkers year; and it's only October. I have moved rooms in my house, and now my studio is half of my basement... and I am moving more...

2021 In A Nutshell

What an absolutely bonkers year; and it's only October. I have moved rooms in my house, and now my studio is half of my basement... and I am moving more...

So. Many. Updates.

Okay! So my best friend moved in with me last week, and she is not only a tremendous help with the husband, she is also my new business partner.  I...

So. Many. Updates.

Okay! So my best friend moved in with me last week, and she is not only a tremendous help with the husband, she is also my new business partner.  I...